Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The ASSURE Model

E-Learning Activity

a. Discuss 3 ways in which the selected model is influenced by theories discussed/explored.

The ASSURE Model is a 6 step instructional system design constructed with the student in mind. The model aims at finding the best learning environment possible to meet the needs of the students, and also to have the desired learning outcome. The acronym A.S.S.U.R.E. breaks down the process the teacher goes through in preparing for the students, and incorporates many learning theories as discussed in the previous class.

A – Analyze Learners

At this stage, the teacher makes note of the target audience (the students), for example, age, ethnic group, social issues, prior knowledge, socioeconomic level and their various learning styles. Here we see some tenets of the construtionism and multiple intelligence theories driving the ASSURE Model. The constructionism theory states that persons learn differently, while the multiple intelligence theory promotes that persons have different strengths and weaknesses, hence learning takes place at different ways and paces.

S – Set Objectives

In finding out about the target audience, one can move on to setting objectives for the students – the desired outcome for the lesson; the expected behaviours of the children, the conditions under which they should learn and their mastery level at the end of the lesson. Constructionism influences the model at this stage as well, where the objective will set the pace for the students’ activity and discovery in the learning environment. Then, from mastering the lesson, they will be able to construct something of their own that will prove that they have met the desired outcome. The Engagement Theory promotes this notion as well.

S – Select Instructional Methods, Media & Materials

At this point the teacher is expected to select the instructional method and media that is most appropriate to meet the objectives for the various students. The teacher should also select whatever materials that will help the students master the lesson as best as possible. This is where technology interaction emerges. Different forms of technology can be used to deliver the lesson, including, text, video, audio etc.

U – Utilize Media & Materials

This is where we put everything planned into action. Whatever media and materials planned for the lesson is used at this point. It is advised that all media and materials should be tested before implementing the process. This is to ensure that all forms of technology are in effective working condition and are conducive to the physical as well as the learning environment.

R – Require Learner Participation

At this stage, students are interacting with the material and with fellow students and active in the learning process. Here we see three (3) learning theories driving the model – the Engagement Theory, Situated Cognition and Vygotsky’s Constructivism. The Engagement and Vygotsky’s constructivism theories stress the need for interaction in order for effective learning to take place; the Situated Cognition theory believes in immersing the student in the situation and let them learn how to deal with the scenario at hand. You will find that most students learn more effectively when they are placed in a social context, whether it is a discussion or group work etc.

E- Evaluate and Revise

This stage is often overlooked, even by me when preparing this paper. It is important for the teacher to evaluate the lesson by measuring the objectives with the outcomes to determine whether or not the lesson was successfully delivered. Where the student is able to turn around and influence the wider surrounding based on the lesson learnt will help to assess if the lesson was a success. The Engagement and Constructionism theories influence this part of the model as well.

We can therefore conclude that “the ASSURE Model provides a planning framework suitable for dealing with the ongoing changes of media and technology in the teaching and learning environment.”

b. Given your knowledge of technology integration, theories and instructional design, discuss a set of guidelines for technology integration in your classrooms.

Technology integration allows for a greater variety of teaching methods in the education system. It allows teachers to connect with different type of students in different ways to bring one concerted learning outcome.

When incorporating technology in the classroom, one should ensure:

- That the technology is relevant to the particular lesson

- That the type of technology will be effective with the age group of the students

- That the physical environment is conducive to the type of technology, e.g. using multimedia in sunlight.

- That the teacher is competent enough in using the particular technology before introducing it to the students.

- The most appropriate form of technology is chosen to bring about the desired outcome

- There is always a backup plan in case the planned technology fails abruptly.


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